Reviving the Traditional Postnatal Support

Serving Mississauga and GTA Area

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
Emotional and physical support
Postpartum Nutritional Advice 
Belly binding
Postnatal Massage
Postpartum Doula Service
Vaginal Steam


Post-partum care program:

We take pride in developing this unique and much needed program for all women who just delivered. We truly believe that new moms need more than just a brief six-weeks checkup to recover properly from childbirth and for their body to return to normal function and alignment. It is our mission at Advanced Healing Centre to ensure new moms are well physically and emotionally so they can take care of their new babies.  The program includes: pelvic floor physiotherapy and reproductive massage to strengthen the pelvic floor and realign the uterus and other organs; a detailed nutritional advice on what to eat, a post-partum doula to provide support and fresh herbs to nourish your health. This program also includes pre-birth courses to teach you and loved ones about self-care, vaginal steam, belly binding and breast health. Post-partum care is not a luxury, it is a necessity and should be a standard care for all women. It helps prevent future health problems such as depression, prolapsed uterus, incontinence, urinary leakage, back pain, hemorrhoids and more.