If you suffer from chronic pain, fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety and fatigue;
or if you want to conceive naturally or seeking support for your fertility journey
or you want to live a healthier, more productive and energetic life;
we offer a safe, effective and drug free alternative.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): is a holistic medicine that dates to 3000 years ago, that has its origin in ancient Taoist philosophy, which views a person as an energy system in which body and mind are unified, each influencing and balancing the other. TCM principles is to treat the whole person and a not a particular disease and is therefore more based on individualized treatment vs. bulk medicine. It involves acupuncture, Tuina Massage and Herbology, gua sha and more.
Acupuncture is an ancient treatment method that is effective for the treatment of illness and pain. It enhances and supports the immune system and physical, emotional health and well being.
During the treatment, very thin, sterilized, solid, hair like stainless steel needles are inserted in specific acupuncture points in the body. The stimulation of these points affects both the central and peripheral nervous systems. It triggers the release of the body’s internal chemicals such as endorphins, which have pain-relieving properties.
Most people feel no or minimal sensation when the needles are inserted. Most people feel relaxed, others feel energized. It is important to seek treatment for a qualified acupuncturist.
Cupping is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) found in many cultures worldwide. It involves placing cups on different acupressure points in the body to promote the flow of blood and relieve pain and treat several respiratory and musculoskeletal diseases.
For centuries, the Chinese have known that beauty radiates from the inside out. If the internal body is nourished and the energy and blood are flowing smoothly, the external body will reveal this radiance
Cosmetic acupuncture is a far less invasive procedure then surgery and the risks and injuries are minimal.
Facial Acupuncture is used for balancing your skin from the inside out using different herb mask based on your skin complexion and type and also includes a shiatsu head and face massage and acupressure with a refreshing and therapeutic facial mist at the end of the treatment session, leaving you relaxed and rejuvenated
Mizan Fertility/Reproductive Massage (MRM is a form of traditional therapeutic modality that helps the reproductive, digestive and nervous systems. it is a gentle non invasive massage to promote circulation of freshly oxygenated, nutrient dense blood to the reproductive organs, hence enhancing fertility.
During a Mizan Reproductive massage you will not only enjoy a relaxing massage but you will also learn about self-care massage, vaginal steam, qi gong breathing, and emotional relaxation techniques. MRM can be used for : Fertility Treatment (no matter what stage you are and/or if you are undergoing IVF/IUI treatments), post-partum care, dysmenorrhea, irregular periods, PCOS, urinary incontinence, prolapsed uterus, digestive issues)
Massage is a form of therapeutic modalities. Its principles are based on hands on body work, a combination of deep and vigorous muscular stretching using pressing, kneading, grasping, and rubbing to relieve pain and also to stimulate the different trigger points in the whole body though pressure, the RMT (Registered Massage Therapist) provides : Therapeutic, Athletic and deep Relaxation massages based on individual needs.